
Wednesday 25 September 2019

Super swimming!

Walt:Write a story about what happened at swimming .
Do you like to go swimming?
And were is your favourite place to swim?
It was the week were the fun is going to happen.
The fantastic classic room 3 spent 2 weeks going to QE2
teaching  people how to be more confident with swimming and how to be
skilled at swimming, like going faster in the water and having better technique.
First we hopped on the bus and drove from school to QE2. Once we arrived we sat
on the seats next to the deep pool.
Then Mr Gray handed out maths sheets,our maths books,glue sticks and pens/pencils.
Some of us finished our maths sheets and glued it into our maths books.
After we finished the maths sheets we got to play card games.
I played uno with Arnaika and Georgia.Then we got changed and waited until the instructor
came, then she gave us our safety message. After that we went to our instructor
and did a safety entrance into the pool. Then we started off by doing 2 lengths of
streamline then some freestyle,backstroke and breaststroke then we did a challenge of
who can hold their breath for the longest and Teia won then we all got out and got
changed and went back to school. Overall I enjoyed swimming and it was fun.

Thank you QE2 instructors for giving up your time to teach us how to be better at
swimming and how to be more confident.   


Monday 23 September 2019

Fact of the day!

Walt:make a screencastify of how to work out one of the fact of the days. so i did place value because i find it easy to work out and explain.

Friday 20 September 2019

Kawa of care :)

Walt: Do a DLO of how to be kawa of care.Throughout this week we made a DLO on how to take care of your Chromebook/Laptop which would be Kawa of care. When you take good care of your Chromebook,charge it and be on the right space right time. So that would be on the right website at the right time. Just read the list for more info.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Interland fun!

Walt: to be internet awesome.
Room two and three joined up to play interland which is a game that has 4 different quests kind kingdom,Tower of treasure,Mindful mountain and Reality river they each have different meanings to keep safe online.Where you had to stop bullies and make the people who got bullied feel better. I really like kind kingdom because i like making people feel better and smile!
And they have tutorials so you will be able to play as good as everyone else.
Here is some pics from the game:
Have you ever played interland?
if you have whats your favourite game?

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Maths daily delivery!

Walt: Use screencastify for our fact of the day.
Room 3 have been doing fact of the day/maths daily delivery for the past weeks
And we got told to pick a slide and then use screencastify and explain how we could figure it out.
DLO: Screencastify.

Word study!

Throughout this week we had to fill out a word study slide and then post the picture slide.
i got all of my pictures off google images.
DLO:Google slides
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Friday 13 September 2019

Te Whare Tapa Wha!

DlO:Google slides.
This is the house that i made!


Today and yesterday we had to fill out this slide of Emotions by finding images on google of pictures that explain emotions. I used Inside out images
Overall i really liked filling out this  slide show but i could of put a bit more information.
Please comment your thoughts about this post.

The amazing library!

I like new Brighton library because they have amazing books,they have a really good view especially if you go upstairs and sit on the couches.
This is the book i got and the picture of the library is from google.
Have you ever been to New Brighton library?

Duffy books!

Walt:we can be anything we want to be!
Today (Friday the 13th of September) We did a Duffy assembly.

For our Duffy role model this term we had a lady called Stella  come in. We learnt so much but the main thing she said was ¨we can be anything¨.We also learnt about preys and predators that kill our birds.                                                                                           

It was very interesting to learn all different facts that i didn't know.
These are the books i got! i got both of the images from google.

Thursday 12 September 2019


Walt:Explain what manners are.

Friday 6 September 2019

Reward reflection.

Walt:When we get rewards its fun and that being good is worth it.
Today room 3 had a reward for putting all our marbles in the jar. 
for our reward we made lots of different huts Tahliah and i both made a hut together with 2 desks 4 chairs and 2 blankets here is what it looks like inside.
Have you ever had a reward as good as ours?

Thursday 5 September 2019

Word study!

Walt: spell words with a soft ¨J¨ sound♥
Throughout this week we had to fill out this word study slide i did get all my word meanings off google dictionary.The slide you should look at is slide 6 because thats the slide we are focusing on the most to get perfect.
Please comment your thoughts about this post!

Monday 2 September 2019

Responsibilities of just!

Walt:identify ways we practice of being just.
This week our virtue is just and we are trying to show ways to be just to make a better classroom!
Do you know any other ways to show just?