
Friday 21 June 2019

Winter sport reflection

WALT: write a reflection about winter sports.

Reflection of winter sports
I played hockey.
We did great today we won the first game 5/1 against Rawhiti
 we all tried so hard and so did the other team.

That it was super hot and
its harder because you are moving around I also found hard was the
team we played last because they were really good.
I am  looking forward for next week
because its super fun and I love playing with my friends.I
need to work on not passing the ball through the
middle instead pass round the side.

What sport do you play?

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Human Feast.

WALT- write a scary story using story starters

I woke up from a strange dream,I got up from my bed,walked into the dining room and  saw my my oldest sister lying on the couch with ants crawling all over her face and maggots eating her ear wax.I walked up to her deep growly voice,I hear her muttering saying ¨who's that in my house?¨ I wander off to my room and look under my bed for my red hoodie.I then see a dead body under my bed  and i scream as loud as i possibly could in horror. Blood was EVERYWHERE!Then I feel something strange happening,My feet are turning green with purple spikes,¨I'm turning into a monster¨.

What would you do if you were in this situation?
How would you handle it?

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Cycle safety!

WALT: celebrate our learning on the blog.
 Last term the year 6s completed Cycle safety, 
I really enjoyed it and had a lot of fun on my bike and with my friends.I loved riding on the road and going through the roundabout and biking on the road.
If you did Cycle safety did you enjoy it?